Monthly Focus: Real Estate Development

Prior to 1985, ACTION-Housing was primarily a social service agency focused on preserving affordable hosing and assistance to Allegheny County residents in most need. But beginning in mid-1980s, ACTION began developing affordable housing projects throughout the county, eventually becoming the largest non-profit real estate developer in Pittsburgh! We’ve done many projects over the years, ranging from senior housing in Crafton to supportive housing for people with intellectual disabilities in Squirrel Hill to housing for veterans in Bloomfield.
All of our projects share one goal: to help ACTION-Housing to achieve its mission of empowering people to build more secure and self-sufficient lives.

Before the pandemic began, we were scheduled to complete two major projects this past spring: the Centre Avenue Housing renovation in the Hill District and Sixth Ward Flats in Lawrenceville. However, the pandemic created a construction work-stoppage and material shortages that resulted in record-high material prices. Combine that with severe winter weather, and the resulting delays have pushed back our completion dates from late spring into early fall. As they say, the comeback is always greater than the setback!

We are finally getting close to completing two major projects and are on the verge of beginning another in Squirrel Hill, Flats on Forward, which should start construction in September and will be completed in early 2023. We are also working on the renovation of the Hays School, the renovation of the Givner Building in Homewood, the renovation of the housing at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Highland Park, and construction of the new Second Avenue Commons homeless shelter downtown. Do you have an idea for an affordable housing development? Feel free to stop by and talk with us, we are always on the lookout for new projects.