What was your first job?
- Data entry clerk for the Army Corps of Engineers. I was responsible for to entering collected data of rain fall levels to predict and prepare for floods.
Current ACTION-Housing job title?
- Communications Team Co-Lead for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
What Do You REALLY Do (if you were writing the job description)?
My multi-faceted role includes being a direct point-of-contact for the communications team hotline staff as they handle multiple calls from the public; managing inquiries received to the rental assistance general email account; and reviewing submitted documentation required for the ERAP application process. I am also responsible for keeping the communications team hotline staff abreast of any internal and external updates and changes to the program, and to provide them with information they can reference and convey during their interaction with the public.
These interactions with the public span from eviction prevention, landlord/tenant disputes, to applicants who require assistance to complete their online application or how to access the application portal, to provide an explanation of the application process, and to give directions to our drop-in centers. Most of my interactions are usually involved with application status updates, matters surrounding technical issues and are often of crisis oriented. Everyone is a priority in these uncertain times.
Most of my direct interaction with applicants are often to de-escalate applicants’ fear of eviction by informing them of the updated eviction moratorium, and referring them to Neighborhood Legal Services, to ensure them that their application issues are being handled appropriately and to provide encouragement that the ERAP is here to help them. This whole process also includes communication directly with the landlords and representatives working on behalf of applicants who may be challenged with language barriers as well as those who may need unique hands-on interaction due to their limited technical / emotional/ physical capacities. Each day is different so I challenge myself to anticipate what may be needed at any given moment.
My secondary role is to communicate with Allegheny County residents facing eviction for non-payment of delinquent rent. This interaction, via email and telephone, with both landlord and tenant is to mediate an agreement to resolve the non-payment and housing instability by participating in ERAP.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
- One profession that I would like to attempt which I believe would complement my public service roles is a writing profession. I desire to write content to motivate people in knowing that they are more empowered then initially taught about self-care, and healthy alternative methods to coping with stress and/or unpleasant environments.
Follow up: what non-professional career/path would you like to attempt—if you could?
- For fun, I imagine being an announcer, narrator, or podcaster about the topics that I write about.
What is your favorite word?
- Absolutely
Least favorite word?
- Problem
Favorite Pittsburgh spot?
- My favorite Pittsburgh spot is the wharf on the South Side.
Favorite place to get out of town?
- Any place that has water and sun is always my favorite place to go.
Inside of work I’m most proud of:
- I’m most proud of my participation in providing housing stability to those in dire need.
Outside of work I’m most proud of:
- I’m most proud of my first published book that was inspired by an anthology in which I co-authored.

What was your first job? (title/basic responsibility)
- Babysitting starting at age 12 for $ .50/hr.
- Shop assistant (age 16) for Epicurious – a mom/pop gourmet food and cookware store before they were a thing.
Current ACTION-Housing job title?
- ERAP Communications Co-Team Leader
What Do You REALLY Do (if you were writing the job description)?
- Troubleshoot, solve problems, lend an ear, help people.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
- ACTION Housing and the Rent Relief Program is a third act for me. I’ve been a Trusts & Estates legal assistant and an architect in a previous life. The other profession that I’d like to attempt is to be a college professor at an architecture school.
Follow up: what non-professional career/path would you like to attempt—if you could?
- World traveler
What is your favorite word?
- Cool
Least favorite word?
- Fuggetaboutit
Favorite Pittsburgh spot?
- I’m relatively new to Pittsburgh and the pandemic limited my ability to find a favorite spot in the city (I love cities), but so far, the Montour Trail and any county or state park, including Point State Park.
Favorite place to get out of town?
- Jersey Shore – I grew up there and I’m a proud Jersey girl.
Inside of work I’m most proud of:
- The rental assistance program has helped so many people and I am happy to have been part of the CARES Rental Relief Program and now working on the Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
Outside of work I’m most proud of:
- My wonderful, interesting, and diverse family and friends and that I’m still curious about people and the world we live in.