Welcome to the Corporate Accounting Department of ACTION-Housing!
You may be wondering “Just who are those people behind that glass door in the Downtown office? They are constantly running back and forth like crazy between their office and other department offices, but what exactly do they do all day?”

Well, they are making sure that the financial operations of the agency are running smoothly each day by processing payments to our subcontractors and vendors, invoicing our funders for reimbursement of our costs, depositing and recording payments and donations coming into the agency, and making sure that all the fiscal activity for the agency is recorded properly and in line with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
They are also responsible for the creation of the individual program budgets and the overall annual agency budget, and the preparation and completion of the annual agency consolidated audit and tax returns.
But what does that really mean? What you probably don’t know is what’s behind all this work in terms of the volume of transactions that they process.

The numbers don’t lie, so, here’s a little taste of what they have managed in our accounting system over the last 20 fiscal years or so:
- 9 staff members currently in the Accounting Department
- Processing all financial activity for ACTION-Housing, AHI Development (including SHMS Operations), and CHI Affordable Housing, as well as 34 Development projects during construction or in operations.
- 579 program funds with 632 separate funding sources
- 12,721 subcontractors and vendors
- 17,953 accounts in our Charts of Accounts
- 61,953 batches processed
- 126,860 payments issued
- 175,383 invoices processed
- 1,235,955 transactions processed in total
Whew! That’s a lot of number crunching!