Other resources
We’re sorry we can’t help more people with the Whole-Home Repairs Program. However, there are some other options for assistance.
Home repairs
The City of Pittsburgh residents may apply for the Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP), which provides up to $35,000 in financial assistance. Applicants must own the property and have an income at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI).
To apply:
Visit https://www.ura.org/pages/homeowner-assistance-program or contact the Urban Redevelopment Authority at 412-255-6694 x6721 or hof@ura.org.
Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh aims to repair and rehabilitate homes for homeowners who qualify. Applicants must own the property and have an income at or below 60% of AMI. They must also be current on property taxes or a qualified tax payment plan and have not received repairs from Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh in the past three years.
To apply:
Visit https://rtpittsburgh.org/get-involved/apply or contact (412) 247-2700.
Lead testing and removal
Allegheny Lead Safe Homes offer homeowners and renters in Allegheny County free home lead-paint testing. Certified contractors can repaint chipping and peeling lead-painted surfaces, repairs windows and doors, or enclose old exterior lead-painted trim.
To apply:
Complete an online form at https://www.alleghenycounty.us/economic-development/contact/lead-safe-form.aspx or contact ACTION-Housing at 412-227-5770 or alleghenylead@actionhousing.org.