Have questions?

Read the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the Homeowner’s Assistance Program.

If you don’t find the information you are looking for or need assistance, you can email us at homeallegheny@actionhousing.org or call the ACTION Housing hotline at 412-248-0021. Additional support is available in person at the Housing Stabilization Center, located at 415 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. The center operates Monday – Thursday from 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM and closed on Fridays.


Frequently Asked Questions



Who can apply for URA Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) Administered by ACTION-Housing?

To be eligible to apply for the HAP, an applicant must:

  • Live within the City of Pittsburgh
  • Be improving a residential owner-occupied property
  • Not exceed 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). Please refer to chart below
  • Not have any outstanding County, City, and School real estate taxes, or provide evidence of being on a payment plan for at least six months
  • Have a current homeowner insurance policy for the property


Area Median Income (AMI)


What is Area Median Income?

Area Median Income (AMI) is a metric in affordable housing based on the total number of people living in a household. AMI levels are determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Please refer to the chart above.


How are you determining who gets selected?

One of the requirements outlined in the URA Homeowners Assistance Program is the prioritization for certain repairs. We’re using data to help determine how to do this best. We recognize many people in the City could benefit from the program. Still, our funding is limited, so we’re prioritizing households with City code violations, households with children ages 5 and under, households with seniors (66 years and older), households with individuals or veterans with disabilities, and households with income at or below 30% of the Area Median Income.


So, repairs may not be done to my home even though my application is eligible?

Yes. With limited funding, we are focusing on homes with the most significant habitability issues. You might meet eligibility criteria–live in the city, own and live in your home, and have a total income that doesn’t exceed 80% of the AMI–but your home repairs may still not be paid for and completed.


Is this program only for dilapidated or condemned homes?

URA Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) funding is meant to address homes with major habitability issues. Anyone with home issues who meets the criteria should apply.


If I already got a lead home grant, does that affect my eligibility to get URA Homeowners Assistance Program assistance?

No, your eligibility for this program will not be impacted by getting funding from other programs.


Is there a time limit on how long the person has lived in the home?

No, as long as you can show homeownership.


I have children living temporarily in my home. Should I include them in describing my household members?

Yes, we will assess whether children in the home impact eligibility on a case-by-case basis.



How does the application process work?

  1. Apply online at: Home Allegheny Repair Programs
  2. If you are eligible and selected for a home inspection, someone from ACTION-Housing will contact you to schedule it.
  3. An ACTION-Housing inspector will visit your home to determine if the repairs qualify for funding.
  4. If the inspector approves the repairs, we’ll connect you with a contractor certified by the URA or Action Housing agencies to do the work.


When can I apply?

Applications will be accepted February 14, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. – March 14, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.


What if I do not have internet access?

If you need assistance, you can call the ACTION Housing hotline at 412-248-0021. Additional support is available in person at the Housing Stabilization Center, located at 415 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. The center operates Monday – Thursday from 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM and closed on Fridays.

Paper applications will not be accepted.


I do not have a Social Security number. Can I still apply?

Absolutely! A Social Security number is requested in the application but is optional.


Is citizenship required for this program?

No, citizenship status is not a factor.


I know someone who wants to apply, but English isn’t their native language.

Call ACTION-Housing at 412-248-0021, and we will get a translator to meet with you in person or complete an application over the phone.


I, or someone I know, have a physical or mental impairment that makes applying challenging.

Call ACTION-Housing at 412-248-0021 to talk about accommodating your needs.


I am completing applications for more than one person. Can I use the same username and password to apply?

While you can apply on behalf of others, with their permission and appropriate documentation, the system will only allow one application per person. Therefore, if you are helping someone with an application, use their email address and a unique username and password.


I already applied for Whole-Home Repairs funding through Action Housing and got an email about my application still being considered. Can I apply for the URA Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP) as well?

Contact ACTION-Housing to ask how the information from your Whole Home Repairs application may be used to apply for the Homeowners Assistance Program.



What kind of information do I have to submit?

You will need to show the following:

  • Proof of income for the entire household:
    • Including copies of the two most recent pay stubs for each household member.
    • Total income must not exceed 80% of the Area Median Income.
    • If a household member is unemployed, please submit verification such as their latest tax return or an IRS non-filing letter.
  • Copy of most recent Income Tax Return(s)


How do I show my income

Acceptable forms include, but are not limited to:

  • IRS Form 1040 for the 2023 Tax Year
  • W-2 Form for the 2023 Tax Year
  • Pay stubs
  • Letter from your employer with pay rate and hours worked.
  • An award letter from the Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, PA Department of Labor and Industry, PA Department of Human Services, or other government agencies that show recurring income from any public benefit program.
  • Award letters for pension or retirement benefits


If someone else lives in your house, do you require their income also?

Yes, we must review the entire household income, which means every adult over 18 who is not a full-time high school student.


I do not have pay stubs. How can I show my salary and hours worked?

We will accept self-certification on income. Please complete the Income Self-Certification form and upload the completed form with your documents.


My only source of income is child support. Am I eligible for the URA’s Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP)?

Child support would need to be listed in the self-certification form. Please complete the Income Self-Certification form and upload the completed form with your documents.


I am completing the online application but only have hard copies of my income documentation. How can I upload my documents?

You can take photos of the documents on a mobile phone and upload them with your application.


How do I prove homeownership?

ACTION-Housing will be reviewing the information listed in the county real estate portal to verify ownership. You are welcome to add other documentation, such as a deed.


I completed an application but still need to upload my documents. Should I wait for someone to contact me before uploading my documents?

If your application is selected for consideration, someone from ACTION-Housing will reach out to request you upload your documents. Please be prepared to gather your documents.

The Process


How will applicants be notified?

If you apply online, you will get an email about your eligibility for the program.


If my application is eligible, what are the next steps?

  • If you are selected for a home inspection, someone from ACTION-Housing will contact you to schedule it.
  • An ACTION-Housing inspector will visit your home to determine if the repairs qualify for funding.
  • If the inspector approves the repairs, we will connect you with a contractor certified by the URA or ACTION-Housing to do the work.
  • Work will begin after the costs are agreed upon.


How long does this process take?

We will work as quickly as possible to schedule inspections and start construction. Still, we regret we can’t commit to a timeline. Many collaborate to finish this work, so estimating schedules and weather dependencies is challenging. Work will be done on a rolling basis. The whole process could take anywhere from a few months to a year.


Is there a wait period before I can reapply if I have been accepted to the Homeowners Assistance Program in the past?

As of 2025, the program guidelines have changed to a 10-year deed restriction covenant.  Any applicants accepted into the program previously will need to wait ten years before being eligible to re-apply.


Can I use my contractor?

No, ACTION-Housing will assign a registered contractor.

Funds for Home Repair


How descriptive should I be when explaining my housing issues?

Focus on issues that affect the safety and habitability of your home, as those are the ones we can help with. A sentence or two description is all that is necessary.


What if my repair type is not on the list to select?

We realize our list of repair types may not meet your needs. If your repairs do not correspond to any options on the list within the application, please do your best to choose the repair type closest to what you wish to request. Once selected, type out a response and clarify anything confusing.


Can I still add repair requests once I submit my application?

Yes. To do this, you must log back into your application. Once you reach your applicant dashboard, select the blue button on the right-hand side labeled “Add Additional Repairs” and add any other repairs you request. Please be aware that once we complete an eligibility review of your application, you cannot add any additional repair requests.


What if the project is more than $35,000?

We can work with other programs but are limited to only doing up to $35,000 worth of work with this funding.


What if it is determined the repairs to my home will cost less than $35,000?

While $35,000 is the most we can spend per project, we’re bound only to make repairs that improve the habitability of the house. To help as many people as possible, we’ll fund and repair only what is necessary to make your home safe.


How much can I get?

You could get up to $35,000 to fund renovations. If your application is eligible, an ACTION-Housing inspector will decide whether to proceed with repairs after a home assessment. While $35,000 is the most we can spend per project, we’re bound only to make repairs that improve the habitability of the house. To help as many people as possible, we’ll fund and repair only what is necessary to make your home safe.


What repairs can be done with Homeowner Assistance Program funds?

We’re prioritizing homes that have significant habitability issues. Funding may also be used to make accessibility modifications so that someone managing a disability can live in the house. Ultimately, an ACTION-Housing inspector will determine what work will be done.


Will I have to pay for anything?

You have no cost if your application is eligible and repairs are approved. However, the funds will be received through a grant with a ten-year deed restriction covenant.


Can I apply for more than one extensive home repair, such as foundation and electric wiring?

Yes, we can help with multiple significant issues in your home if the cost is less than or equal to $35,000 (maximum). Please provide descriptions of all the problems in your application.


Can I get funding for repairs on a vacant house?

No. Applicants must own and live in the home to be repaired.


Will additional funding be provided for home repairs after this money runs out?

We expect to help a small percentage of people who apply. With the success of this program, we hope additional funding will be made available in the future.


What does it mean to receive a grant with a deed restriction?

In exchange for the receipt of grant funding, the URA will require the owner to execute a Declaration and Agreement of Restrictive Covenants, which will run with the land, providing that the Property will remain affordable at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for a period of ten (10) years regardless of any conveyance of the Property. If the Property is sold or conveyed within the 10-year period, it shall only be sold or otherwise transferred to a household whose gross income does not exceed 80% of the AMI, as determined by HUD.

Application Assistance

If you need assistance, you can email us at homeallegheny@actionhousing.org or call the ACTION Housing hotline at 412-248-0021. Additional support is available in person at the Housing Stabilization Center, located at 415 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. The center operates Monday – Thursday from 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM and closed on Fridays.

Additional Assistance


What if I’m not safe in my home and need additional assistance?

We have added protections for anyone who is a victim of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Call ACTION-Housing at 412-281-2102 and ask to speak to an administrator. You will not be asked for identifying details.